About Us

Hi, I'm Katie!

Student Career Insights developer


After 15 years of teaching music, I decided to pursue a new direction in my educational career. Concerned with how anxious our students and young adults are about their future, I developed a course that helps them determine a path forward. 

Student Career Insights is a different type of career course. Instead of helping students and young adults find and research specific careers, we help them EXPLORE their skills, abilities, values, interests, and options. We don't focus on career-specific skills, we EQUIP students with communication and interpersonal skills, teach them to manage conflict and adapt to change, and impart strategies they need to be successful in any career! Finally, we support our students as we help them ENGAGE with their professional community.

Our SCI team is looking forward to helping you discover who you are and helping you get where you want to go! 

Click here to EXPLORE!